We offer regular and customized training on SimulationX.
Course: Introduction to SimulationX
Date: the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month. 8:30 am - 12:30 pm EST
Time: 8 hours total. (two blocks of 4 hours)
Format: online with an instructor
Language: English. (Spanish or German may be available upon request.)
Cost: $600 USD per person + applicable taxes
Graphical User Interface
Diagram view
3D view
Ribbon menus
Library bar
Model explorer
Result windows and result window manager
Output window
Building Your First Models
Signal-based modeling vs. equation-based modeling
Using elements from the built-in libraries
Connecting elements and adjusting the model
Parameterization using constants, variables and references
Application of curves and 2D/3D maps
Namespace concept and conventions
Start values and initial values
Recording and plotting results
Basics of Symbolic Analysis and Solvers
Calculation and analysis methods
Understanding the GSA (Global Symbolic Analysis)
Solver descriptions (BDF, CVODE, fixed step, etc.)
Parameterizing the solvers
Understanding the numerical solving process
Using tracing to get more information
Synchronizing solvers to real time
Result Display and Analysis
Time plot of results
Frequency plot of results
Tools within the result window
Customizing result windows
Exporting results to Excel and other programs
Using the variant wizard to run multiple simulations while varying parameters
Examining natural frequencies and time constants
Running an input-output analysis
Creating Your Own Model Elements
Building compounds from existing elements
Extending an existing element with new parameters
Creating your own library
Using TypeDesigner to create a brand new element
Problem Solving and Debugging
Overview of common warning and error messages
How to analyze initialization difficulties
Avoiding typical modeling issues
Speeding up simulation